LEGION Simulator Help

Recommended specifications

We recommend the following system setup to run LEGION Simulator successfully:

  • 3GHz i7 or better. Ideally i9. Highest clock speed possible. Highest cache levels possible. Core count less important than clock speed;
  • At least 16GB RAM. The more the better. The faster bus speed the better;
  • Dedicated graphics card at least 1GB memory;
  • Separate hard drive for recording simulations, 128GB or more: 7200rpm or higher HDD, or SSD (higher random IOPS the better).
  • Windows 10 (64-bit) - Home, Pro, Enterprise, and Education
  • CAD software to edit CAD files before importing them
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 or later to enable data file input (LEGION Simulator supports all Excel file formats, including 'xlsx' and 'xlsm')